Sunday, April 28, 2013

King's Cross..?


Woah! Just found out that Imagine Dragons (a band) has a song called 'Amsterdam'. How come I did not know about this?! It's really good, go look it up right now on YouTube! Haha, this is the second time this week that I am talking about Imagine Dragons.
Oh, just so you know, this is another post I am writing in advance, since I will be on a short trip to London this week. I'll be there from saturday until tuesday. Whick means I won't be home on Queen's Day. That's sad.. But hey, if you had to choose between the Netherlands and London, which one would you pick?

I've been BEGGING my mom the past couple of weeks to go and visit King's Cross Station while we're in London. Does that ring a bell? Yeah? If not, let me tell you. That is where Platform 9 3/4 from Harry Potter is! AAAH. I jus need to go there, take some pictures and frame those and hang up on my wall. That would be so amazing! And I also really want to go and visit Abbey Road. I mean, you should visit that place at least once in your life, don't you think?

Is it confusing that I am talking about wanting to visit all those places when there is a change that I am visiting right now, in this very moment while you're reading this? I hope not :P

That was about it for today. I hope you enjoy your day, wherever you are!

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