Thursday, June 13, 2013

CAE Exam

Well hello there. Long time no see. Let me update you guys a bit. So last week was pretty stressful. Last Tuesday was the written part of the Cambridge Advanced English Exam. We had to be there super early, and it lasted the entire day. Of course there were short breaks in between the different parts of the exam, but still. And it was very hard. I hope I will pass (:

But before I know, I'll have to wait until July 24. Ridiculous, right?!

The day overall was bearable. The building was near the station, and inside that particular station…. *drumroll* was a BurgerKing. (wow, that’s something I’ve never heard of before…) But we were very happy with that. And when we finally had our 20m break we ran to the burger king and ordered a ridiculous amount of King Nuggets. Dafuq, right. King Nuggets? Just call them Kip Nuggets already, don’t be silly. Luckily, they sure tasted very good. Yum. Uh-oh.. and then we found out we were kind of maybe just a little bit late to get back in time. So we ran our butts of (we, as in me and my friend who was also taking the exam) and…. Still came in late. Great.

Fun fact: my table was in FRONT of the classroom. Like, FIRST ROW. How embarrassing.. I could feel everyone just looking at me like I was some freak. Good thing I don’t give a shhh about what everyone thinks haha.

And that pretty much was my Tuesday: long, stressful, hard but fun and quite enjoyable. I traveled by train, which is (after flying) my favorite way of transport. Just chilling, headphones in, listening to some good music and reading a book. In my case: Dash and Lily’s Book of Dares. It’s really good so far! I’ve finished about 70% of the book I guess, and can’t wait to finish it!

I am afraid that will be it for today. There is a HUGE pile of homework waiting for me, so I guess I’m gonna do all those lovely assignments right now. Bye!


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