Wednesday, November 6, 2013


Oh no, it's here. It's already going on actually haha, just forgot to mention. But what I am talking about is the oh so terrible exam week. BUT! When this week is over, there are only 2 more exam weeks to go, so that's uhh kind of a good thing. I guess.

Nothing you can do about it, huh? So here's a few tips on how you survive your exam week:

1. Drink lots of tea.
2. Try to got to bed early (it's so hard, i know)
3. Relax.
4. It is okay to make mistakes.
5. JUST SURVIVE, it'll be over soon enough.

Okay, back to learning. BYE!

Monday, November 4, 2013


Heck yes! I DID it! I read 8 books, I repeat EIGHT BOOKS in October! Wow! That's some sort of accomplishment, isn't it? (:
*pats own shoulder*

Even though I am super duper busy with school, I wanted to read at least one book a week, but since I also read a few small books, I managed to read eight books. Heck yes!

Gotta love reading..

Oh and by the way, I also have a Goodreads profile, if you wanna check it out. If you don't know what a goodreads profile is, that's basically this website ( where you can post which books you've read, and when, and what your opinion on that particular book is, and you can fill in polls and such, aaaaaaandd also, you can do a book challenge! I am doing the 50 books challenge, which means you have to try to read 50 books in 2013. I have already read 35 books so far, which means I am currently on 70% :D

Here's the link:

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Terrible timing

Well, since I have barely any spare time this upcoming week, and I have an exam week, it seems like the perfect time to start blogging regularly again, don't you think?
Oh man, my timing is so bad. But the thing is, when you have to study you get bored, and even more bored and suddenly you find yourself doing things that make absolutely no sense, or things you should do another time, WHEN YOU GOT THE TIME!

Ghehe. Guilty. So guilty. But I can't help it! I can't wait to finish school. Meh. Just hang in there for 7 more months. Or something like that. When are the exams again? I believer somewhere in May, here in The Netherlands. Terrifying. It really is. But until that time, let's just try to survive school, and read a few more books. Yay.