Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Thank you, Beatrix!


Okay, I know I said that I would maaaaybe write one post in advance? Well, I was really feeling it today haha. It is still Friday, and this is about my 4th post I am writing today, I believe. But I really wanted to have a 'special' post up on my blog on April 30th, since "today" is Queen's Day in the Netherlands. This is a national holiday we celebrate annually. But today is the last Queen's Day. From this day on, it will be called 'King's Day'. Because Beatrix is abdicating today and now Willem Alexander is our new king.

So, what I just wanted to say is: Beatrix, thank you! You've done a lot for this country and we really appreciate it. And Willem, we're sure you'll do great haha!

Sunday, April 28, 2013

King's Cross..?


Woah! Just found out that Imagine Dragons (a band) has a song called 'Amsterdam'. How come I did not know about this?! It's really good, go look it up right now on YouTube! Haha, this is the second time this week that I am talking about Imagine Dragons.
Oh, just so you know, this is another post I am writing in advance, since I will be on a short trip to London this week. I'll be there from saturday until tuesday. Whick means I won't be home on Queen's Day. That's sad.. But hey, if you had to choose between the Netherlands and London, which one would you pick?

I've been BEGGING my mom the past couple of weeks to go and visit King's Cross Station while we're in London. Does that ring a bell? Yeah? If not, let me tell you. That is where Platform 9 3/4 from Harry Potter is! AAAH. I jus need to go there, take some pictures and frame those and hang up on my wall. That would be so amazing! And I also really want to go and visit Abbey Road. I mean, you should visit that place at least once in your life, don't you think?

Is it confusing that I am talking about wanting to visit all those places when there is a change that I am visiting right now, in this very moment while you're reading this? I hope not :P

That was about it for today. I hope you enjoy your day, wherever you are!

Saturday, April 27, 2013

See you soon!

Good morning everyone (oh well, by the time this post goes online it is 10am in the Netherlands). When you are reading is, I am probably on a plane to London, or I am already there! How cool is that! I am writing this on a Friday afternoon. Which means I now have to pack my suitcase and get ready. In a couple of hours I have to go to work, and right after that I'm off to bed. Because I have to wake up super early in order to arrive at the airport in time.

I just wanted to mention that I probably won't post a lot the next couple of days. After this one I am writing another post in advance, and MAYBE (but probably not) I will write another post when I am in Londen. I heard our hotel has free WiFi (:

Well, I think that was about it. I am not really the type of person that writes super long posts, since I usually don't have that much to say. Enjoy your holidays everybody (I assume more people have spring break right now..?) And I'll talk to you soon!

I hope my English is good enough to survive in London haha. Fingers crossed!

PS; Do you guys like this fond? Hm.. I'm not too sure about it. Just trying out some new stuff.

Friday, April 26, 2013

Lovely Weather

Oops. This picture is a bit bigger than I expected. Oh well, doesn't matter. I love this floral print! Don't you? (:

It reminds me of the lovely weather we've had these past couple of days in the Netherlands. We had a lot of sun, lovely! During class you can sit right next to the window and enjoy the sun shining through the windows. Just close your eyes and relax. And during lunch me and my friends like to sit on the field next to the school and eat our meals there. Ahh, the perfect summer feeling. My mom said I already started to get tanned, haha.

Thursday, April 25, 2013


Can't freakin' wait to go to London! I've probably said this about a hundred times, but oh my... SO EXCITED. Okay, now that I've had my fangirl moment, it's time to talk about something.

I really want to take this blog 'to the next level' (:P). But what I mean is, blog regularly, use more pictures in posts and stuff like that. And with 'pictures' I mean pretty pics I took with my Canon camera. But, lazy as I am, I never feel like putting that much efford into a blogpost. I know, bad.. But I am very lazy and I want to change that, by spending more time on blogposts. But there is a teeny tiny problem: I have NO time since I have to spend all my free time on school. But it's almost vacation, so that means I have more time to blog. Yay!

So yeah. Not very interesting. But that was something I wanted to see. Look forward to more blog posts soon!

Oh, and expect to see a lot of London related posts and/or pictures in the near future haha.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Uh oh..

I know I know. I keep apologizing for not writing a post regularly. But okay. I think you are used to that by now haha. So where do I start. Oh yeah, with my cheesy apology. Well (of course) I've been very busy with school. The year is already coming to an and, and at the moment, my grades aren't that great. Oops. But I've been working very hard, so that I will proceed to my next and final year of high school, yay!

Waaaaahhh it's almost there! In 4 days I will be flying to London with my mom! So freaking excited! I've been doing some research and we made a list of things we wanted to visit. Unfortunately, the weather won't be that great. But everything's fine as long as it doesn't rain. (:
We will be going for 4 days. From Saturday til Tuesday. Which means we won't be there in the Netherlands when our new King Willem Alexander will be crowned :C I'm a bit sad that I won't be able to see it live, but when we get back I'm sure it will be shown repeatedely on television.

So yeah. Just a quick little update. Will be posting more this week. Until then! (: