Tuesday, March 26, 2013


Good morning everyone! Wherever you are, haha. In the Netherlands it is almost 11AM right now.
School starts very late today so I thought 'why not blog again?'. I know my blogposts are not posted very regularly, but that is due to school and homework. I have so much stuff to do and even though I want to blog, I simply don't have the time.
I know I promised to post some pictures of my birthday presents, but I simply forgot. But don't worry! I'll be posting them later this week, probably on a Saturday.

But, now something completely different! My blog reached 500 views! WAAAHH can you believe it!? So awesome! I started this blog late november and I can't believe it already has 500 views. I know it's not much compared to other blogs, but I am so happy with it!

So I wanted to thank you guys for that! THANKS!

Much Love  ♥

Tuesday, March 12, 2013


Good day everyone! It's been already almost a week since I posted anything on this blog. Sorry for that. Last week has been pretty amazing. I celebrated my birthday three times (!).On the day itself with my grandparents who came over for dinner, last Saturday for family, and Sunday for some friends. I got amazing stuff and I am very thankful for everyone who came.
Later on this week, or maybe next week I'll post some pictures of my presents. Excited to let you guys know!

It's also been a busy week, I have a lot of work to do, and I've been so tired lately. Can't fall asleep, and end up sleeping for maybe 6 hours and then I have to get up and go to school. It's pretty exhausting. Tonight I'm going to bed super early. My goal is to be in bed at 10PM. For my birthday my friend Nathalie gave me 'The Perks Of Being A Wallflower', by Stephen Chbozky (hope I wrote that right haha) and I really like it so far. Some parts are kind of weird, but the writing style is very nice and relaxt.

So that was my super duper short update. Hope to talk to y'all soon! X

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Monday, March 4, 2013