Sunday, May 26, 2013

Lazy Sunday

*insert picture of the incredibly hot Knights of Camelot. Ugh.. Gwaine and Lancelot, why so handsome? *
Hello there! Well, today I don't feel like doing anything (and yes, that is also a Bruno Mars lyric). But seriously, I don't feel like doing ANYTHING. So I guess I'll just read a bit, do some homework, and study for my upcoming CAE exam (aaahhhh stress) and visit some family. Sound pretty chill, right (: I woke up early (8 AM) and here I am, still (11 AM while typing this) sitting on the computer doing absolutely nothing. I am watching an episode of Merlin right now, but it is too freaking scary so I just keep pausing it the entire time haha.

Haven't progressed much in LfA (Looking for Alaska, my current read) so that's something I need to work on :P I'm at page 70 or so. My goal for today is to read til at least page 120.

Hm... not much to talk about today, as you may have noticed haha. Just gonna leave it here and get off my lazy but and start doing something useful.

Enjoy your weekend/Sunday!

ALSO! How weird is this!? Just scrolling through the 'lazy sunday' tag on Tumblr, when I see a gif. of a scene in the Merlin episode I am watching right now. *poofffff* mind blown :D

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