Friday, June 28, 2013



Why do I do this to myself!? Avoiding studying for my test week and instead spending my entire day on tumblr and youtube. Thought it'd be a great idea to watch all of the vlogbrothers vids of the last 3 years. Turned out to be a bad idea, those videos are so addictive! And so fun to watch. I highly recommend it (: 

Tomorrow (or actually today, when this post will be up) is the last sailing lesson of the season, so sad. We only offer 7 lessons a year, and a camp where we do all kinds of different stuff, including sailing. So that's a lot of fun! Ah, I love sailing so much... Unfortunately we've had rain twice, so that wasn't too great, but it was just as much fun as it is when there's sun. Okay, maybe not entirely as fun, but it's still a sort of adventure. Okay nevermind. :P

My to do list for Saturday contains the following things:
- last sailing lesson
- work from 1-6PM

So yeah. Hope I'll stick to that last point. Not too sure about that one haha.

Oh and to explain the PotC .gif set: I am currently watching PotC so I was in the mood haha. Gotta love Jack!

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Now or never!

This .gif is in honor of Despicable ME 2 finally coming to cinemas in The Netherlands. Yay!

Alright. So it's now or never. The last test week of the year is about to start. Ugh. Well that's gonna be something. I HAVE to get good grades in order to pass this year. Fingers crossed!
Nothing much to tell actually. Only that I will probably not post much this upcoming week, since I have to focus on my tests. Just so you know (:

Saturday, June 22, 2013

What a slut time is, she screws everybody.

Time for an update!
Okay, so this afternoon (June 22) I have the speaking part of my Cambridge Exam. And after that, I'll be done! With the exam, I mean. The only thing left to do after that is wait for the results. Oh July 24, please come quick.

In a few days my last exam week of the year will start. In 5 days to be exact. I'll have to make 6 tests, and 4 oral exams (German, French, English and history). And I'm already stressing out. Crap.
And the days before my first test are going to be pretty busy too. For French and German I have to write 2 letters (for a grade), I still have to make a French test and a math test. So thats 6 tests in 3 days. Oh wait, I forgot my reading exam for German. That makes 7. Well, isn't that just great? But I'll have to get good grades in order to pass this year. Senior year seems like so much fun, even though you have even more work to do than I already have now. But it seems worth it.

May the odds be ever in my favor...

And on top of all the work I have to do and the exam stress, I have a graduation party and two birthday parties tonight. WHERE WILL I FIND THE TIME?!

PS: I just felt like sharing a gif. of a rabbit devouring lettuce with you. (:

Friday, June 21, 2013

Peter Pan!

In a very Disney mood today! Randomly decided to watch Peter Pan, such a good movie (:

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Speechless.. (TFIOS review)

I just finished The Fault In Our Stars, and I am absolutely speechless. Yes, I know that sounds cheeky since almost everyone says that when they finish TFIOS, but it's true. A couple weeks back I finished Looking for Alaska, and yesterday I decided to start in TFIOS.

This is a short little review, containing NO SPOILERS. (;

So... where should I start? First of all, I want to say that John Green's books are unpredictable, which is very nice. Halfway through the book I thought I knew how it would end (same with LFO), but nothing was less true. A complete plot twist! Just, like BAM, in your face.

Another thing, a big part of the book refers to The Netherlands, Dutch writers/basketball players or other Dutch things. A part of the book is even set in Amsterdam! I know that’s not a huge deal or anything, but it kind of is to me, since I am Dutch and live in The Netherlands. It gave me a pleasant feeling, knowing that an awesome vlogger and author like John Green knows my small little country even exists! He describes Amsterdam so beautifully, and perfectly accurate. Most books just say something about the red light district, and that’s it. Such a plain image of Amsterdam, since it’s so much more. John Green did a perfect job describing Amsterdam and its magic.

The book contains a lot of literature and poetry references, and I really like that. I am a person who likes to analyze a text or a poem or a story. And John Green mentions these literary works very subtle, but it really adds something to the story.

I highly recommend this book, if you haven’t read it yet. I couldn’t put it away. Started it Sunday evening 10 PM, and took it with my to school the next morning (so I could read in my free periods) and when I got home continued reading. I finished it within 23 hours. I am typing this at 10 PM on a Monday. (this blog post will be published on a Tuesday, so yeah, I really finished it within a day, if you had any doubts)

Long story short: amazing book. Beautifully written and the story spoke to me. This book meant a great deal to me (ghehe, got that reference? If you read TFIOS, you do). John Green, thank you for writing this masterpiece.


PS; if you’re looking for beautiful/inspirational/hilarious quotes, you should DEFINETELY read it.

Thursday, June 13, 2013

CAE Exam

Well hello there. Long time no see. Let me update you guys a bit. So last week was pretty stressful. Last Tuesday was the written part of the Cambridge Advanced English Exam. We had to be there super early, and it lasted the entire day. Of course there were short breaks in between the different parts of the exam, but still. And it was very hard. I hope I will pass (:

But before I know, I'll have to wait until July 24. Ridiculous, right?!

The day overall was bearable. The building was near the station, and inside that particular station…. *drumroll* was a BurgerKing. (wow, that’s something I’ve never heard of before…) But we were very happy with that. And when we finally had our 20m break we ran to the burger king and ordered a ridiculous amount of King Nuggets. Dafuq, right. King Nuggets? Just call them Kip Nuggets already, don’t be silly. Luckily, they sure tasted very good. Yum. Uh-oh.. and then we found out we were kind of maybe just a little bit late to get back in time. So we ran our butts of (we, as in me and my friend who was also taking the exam) and…. Still came in late. Great.

Fun fact: my table was in FRONT of the classroom. Like, FIRST ROW. How embarrassing.. I could feel everyone just looking at me like I was some freak. Good thing I don’t give a shhh about what everyone thinks haha.

And that pretty much was my Tuesday: long, stressful, hard but fun and quite enjoyable. I traveled by train, which is (after flying) my favorite way of transport. Just chilling, headphones in, listening to some good music and reading a book. In my case: Dash and Lily’s Book of Dares. It’s really good so far! I’ve finished about 70% of the book I guess, and can’t wait to finish it!

I am afraid that will be it for today. There is a HUGE pile of homework waiting for me, so I guess I’m gonna do all those lovely assignments right now. Bye!


Friday, June 7, 2013


Sorry for the bad quality. I filmed it with my phone, so yeah..

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Just hang in there

Just 6 more weeks to go! Until summer vacation! Seriously can't freakin' wait! But before the time's there, there is so much left to do.. So many school work, homework, exams, tests, CAE exam, assignments to hand in.. and so forth. Ugh. Whyyyyy.

But when that's all over, and I (hopefully) pass this year, I'll have my break and after that my final year of high school. I am SO looking forward to studying in university! Living on my own, studying what I find interesting, growing up, and all those things.

Me and my fam are probably going on summer vacation this year. But, as usual, we haven't booked yet. We're the kind of people that decide last minute. Last year we went to Rome (oh Rome, how beautiful and amazing you are), and maybe we're returning this year. Or we'll spend a couple of weeks under the Tuscan sun. (: But the chances are high we're going to Italy.
Know that movie? It is on TV every once in a while here in Holland, so I've seen it enough times :P

I am SO done with school. Can't bring up the concentration and motivation anymore, but I have to. Just hang in there. These 6 weeks will be over before I know it. Hopefully.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Books books books

Boooooooks! I love them! And last Saturday I went to a second hand store, where they sell about EVERYTHING. And I ran straight to the book section, in the hope of finding some entertaining books. And wel.. I did :D
As you can see, in the pic, haha. I purchased a total of 5 books:

The Da Vinci Code - Dan Brown
The Lost Symbol - Dan Brown
The Bro Code - Barney Stinson
To Kill a Mockingbird - Harper Lee
Digital Fortress - Dan Brown

Uh yeah, a lot of Dan Brown. To be honest, I never read a book by him before, so about time I did! Three of these books aren't for me actually. Digital Fortress was a part of my dad's birthday gift, and I gave To Kill a Mockingbird to one of my friends, just as a small gift. And The Bro Code, I'm planning on giving that one to a friend of mine who is a big van of HIMYM (How I Met Your Mother, for those of you that don't know). This book is based on the series, so yeah.

And Well, the rest is for me. Only two books left (: But really looking forward to reading those. By the way, the white round stickers on the back of the books don't really mean anything. I guess the employees there use that to indicate in what section the books are supposed to be. Or something like that.

And that's about it for today! See y'all soon!

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Happee Birthday Dad.

Today, Sunday June 2nd, is NOT my dad's birthday. It is tomorrow actually. But we're celebrating today for friends and family, and the weather just happens to be perfect. (:
The sun is shining, there are birds in the garden, waiting for us to leave our food and then steal is from us, and everyone is happy. I love these days. And about time too! It is officially summer in only 19 days, and we haven't had such a cold spring in about 40 years I believe, here in our little county.

And I finished Looking for Alaska, by John Green. Finally. Didn't read much last week, but since the weather was so nice, I decided to take my book outside and finish it in the sun.
I REALLY liked it. Didn't know what to expect, and since the book is from a boy's POV, there's a lot of 'girl reviewing' in the book. But it was very nicely written, and a lot of great philosophy is in it. I would definetely recommend it!

Now it is time for me to start studying for my Cambridge exam, which means even MORE reading haha. Gonna start reading 'The Lighthouse' by P.D. James tonight! I promise. I think..

PS; noticed my Harry Potter reference in the post? If you do, I love you! Oh well, I already gave it away with the pic. Nah. (: